The Entry Policy for the 2025 Daily Mail World Junior Golf Championship
2025 Categories
Age 7&Under – 27 Holes – Flamingos Course
8-9 Girls – 27 Holes – Flamingos Course
8-9 Boys – 54 Holes – Flamingos Course
10-11 – 54 Holes – Flamingos Course
12-13 Girls – 54 Holes – Flamingos Course
12-13 Boys – 54 Holes – Alferini Course
14-15 – 54 Holes – Alferini Course (WAGR)
16-18 – 54 Holes – Alferini Course (WAGR)
Age as of Friday 21st February 2025
Age Requirements
7&Under – 27 Holes
Open to boys and girls who are not yet 8 as of Friday 21 February 2025
8-9 – 54/27 Holes
Open to boys and girls who are not yet 10 as of Friday 21 February 2025
10-11 – 54 Holes
Open to boys and girls who are not yet 12 as of Friday 21 February 2025
12-13 – 54 Holes
Open to boys and girls who are not yet 14 as of Friday 21 February 2025
14-15 – 54 Holes
Open to boys and girls who are not yet 16 as of Friday 21 February 2025
16-18 – 54 Holes
Open to boys and girls who are not yet 19 as of Friday 21 February 2025
Flamingos Course-
3 Day Tournament
WJGC Registration Gifts
Putting Competition
Driving Range Balls
Generous on site Hotel Discount
Free use of Tramores Course
8-9 Girls/Boys
Flamingos Course-
3 Day Tournament
WJGC Registration Gifts
Putting Competition
Driving Range Balls
Generous on site Hotel Discount
Free use of Tramores Course
Flamingos Course-
3 Day Tournament
WJGC Registration Gifts
Putting Competition
Driving Range Balls
Generous on site Hotel Discount
Free use of Tramores Course
12-13 Girls/Boys
Flamingos/Alferini Course-
3 Day Tournament
WJGC Registration Gifts
Putting Competition
Driving Range Balls
Generous on site Hotel Discount
Free use of Tramores Course
Alferini Course-
3 Day Tournament
WJGC Registration Gifts
Putting Competition
Driving Range Balls
Generous on site Hotel Discount
Free use of Tramores Course
Alferini Course-
3 Day Tournament
WJGC Registration Gifts
Putting Competition
Driving Range Balls
Generous on site Hotel Discount
Free use of Tramores Course
Selection Process
All applications must be submitted via BlueGolf application form (please see link to this on the homepage).
No payment for the tournament fee will be taken at this stage. We will review the application and, if successful, send you a direct payment link via email.
Player has been selected to participate in the tournament and will receive additional information via email.
Player was not chosen in the selection process and may re-apply later in the year. This may be down to playing experience, or tournament results. Should this change throughout the year, players may re-apply.
Player has been selected as a reserve, and will receive an acceptance notice if a position becomes available. We will endeavour to get acceptances out as soon as possible. We will be receiving applications from around Europe and the rest of the world, so entry to the event will be offered on golf ability and tournament performance.
Course lengths
7/Under players will play 9 holes per day, Blue Tee, with an overall distance of 1750M
Flamingos Course, Holes 1-9
8-9 Girls will play 9 holes per day, Black Tee, with an overall distance of around 2000M
Flamingos Course, Holes 1-9
8-9 Boys will play 18 holes per day, Black Tee, with an overall distance of around 4000M
Flamingos Course, Holes 1-18
10-11 players will play 18 holes per day, Red Tee, with an overall distance of 4828M
Flamingos Course, Holes 1-18
Girls 12-13 will play 18 holes per day, Red Tee, with an overall distance of 4828M
Flamingos Course, Holes 1-18
Boys 12-13 will play 18 holes per day, Red Tee 52, with an overall distance of 5239M
Alferini Course, Holes 1-18
Boys 14-15 will play 18 holes per day, Tees 62, with an overall distance of 6221M
Girls 14-15 will play 18 holes per day, Red Tee 52, with an overall distance of 5239M
Alferini Course, Holes 1-18
Boys 16-18 will play 18 holes per day, Tees 62, with an overall distance of 6221M
Girls 16-18 will play 18 holes per day, Red Tee 52, with an overall distance of 5239M
Alferini Course, Holes 1-18

Playing Format
Stroke play; Gross score only
Monday 17th Feb, 10am – 2pm
Tuesday 18th Feb, 10am – 5pm
Please bring some form of ID clearly showing your date of birth, as we may require this. If this does not match your application, meaning that you would need to move category, we will be unable to accommodate, and you will not be able to play in the tournament.
You will collect your gift pack and scorecards for all 3 days. You will also be able to ask us any questions regarding the BlueGolf scoring app that we will be using during the event.
Tournament Schedule
Monday 17th Feb
Tournament Registration, 10am – 2pm
Putting Competition, 3pm – 5pm
(main putting green adjacent to Flamingos Course, just turn up between 3 and 4.30 pm; no registration required)
Flag Parade & Opening Ceremony, 6pm
Tuesday 18th Feb
Tournament Registration, 10am – 5pm
Official Practice Day, 8am – 6pm
Wednesday 19th Feb
Tournament Day 1, 8am – 6pm
Thursday 20th Feb
Tournament Day 2, 8am – 6pm
Friday 21st Feb
Tournament Day 3, 8am – 6pm
Tournament Prize Presentation, 7.30pm Villa Padierna Palace Hotel
Golf Buggies
Due to the nature of the course, and to facilitate speed of play, all players on the Alferini course are required to use a buggy. These are available to hire directly from the resort at €31.50 per day. All buggies have been reserved by us, so no need to book prior to the event.
Juniors under the age of 16 are not allowed to drive the buggies, so the driving must be done by an accompanying adult. The adult must not leave the buggy at any time, unless on a toilet break. Caddying is not allowed. Players aged 16-18 may drive the buggies themselves.
No buggies are allowed on the Flamingos course for players to use.
Pull & Electric Trollies
Caddie & Spectator Policy
All Divisions
Spectators must walk 50 metres ahead and ball spot only. No verbal or non-verbal interaction with the player is allowed.
The player is allowed 3 minutes to look for his/her ball; however, parents/spectators can help once the player is within range. Parents/spectators must not approach the ball to pick up to identify, this is for the player only to do.
No spectators are allowed on the greens at any time.
Divisions 12-13 Boys, 14-15 Boys & Girls, and 16-18 Boys & Girls: no caddies are allowed and competitors aged under 16 years must have an adult driving the buggy.
Buggy drivers must not have any verbal or non-verbal interaction with the player regarding the shot.
Players only on the greens – no buggy drivers are allowed on the greens at any time.
Divisions 10-11 Boys & Girls, and 12-13 Girls: a parent/adult may walk with the player to push the trolley, rake bunkers, clean clubs, etc. No verbal or non-verbal interaction with the player is allowed regarding the shot. A parent/adult may give a yardage using a scope, but then no further information can be offered regarding the shot.
The parent/adult should be at least 5 metres away from the player before the player takes his or her shot. The parent/adult is allowed to help their player mark their card.
Players only on the greens – no parents/adults are allowed on the greens at any time.
Divisions 7/Under and 8-9 years: all players in these divisions MUST have a caddie. Any additional parent/spectator must walk 50 metres ahead.
The caddie is allowed to help their player mark their card.
We firmly believe that younger players should be permitted assistance during a competition, therefore younger juniors are allowed one caddie to help them on the course. However, this cannot be to the detriment of enjoyment, fairness, or pace of play on the day.
Caddies are there to help with pace of play rather than delay play!
- Coaching, in any form, is NOT permitted; leave this for the range.
- Caddies must NOT line up a player! Lining up is not permitted (rule 10.2b).
- NO assistance may be given on the green and caddies must stay off the green at all times.
- Caddies should not be critical but instead provide encouragement and stay positive – this is your main objective!
Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the player being penalised.
Practice facilities
All players can enjoy the fantastic practice facilities at the Villa Padierna Resort.
The official practice day is Tuesday 18th February and we have negotiated substantial discounts for rounds on this date:
Flamingos – €66.50
Alferini – €74.50
Tramores (ideal for approach shots and short game practice) – Free
These fees are payable to the club on arrival and range balls are included. Any buggy costs are additional to this fee and buggies are compulsory for Alferini players. Please note that only competitors are allowed to play on the official practice day!
We will allocate tee times and pairings for this official practice round and the start sheets will be available through BlueGolf.
You may practice before the official round on Tuesday 18th February, but you will need to contact the club directly to book, with times and pairings at the club’s discretion.
Range balls are included at the Villa Padierna driving range. You will need a car to get to the driving range. The driving range will open at 7.30am each morning, so due to daylight restriction, this will result in the category teeing off first, not having time to warm up on the range. The categories starting first will change each day.
No player is allowed to practise on their competition course the morning of each tournament day or between tournament days. Non-adherence to these rules will result in disqualification.
Arriving to the tee
Players and caddies must arrive at the tee no later than 10 minutes before their tee time. Failure to do this will result in a penalty on the tee.
Pace of Play
This is a very important aspect of the game and one that we are constantly monitoring at events!
Flamingos Course
9 holes should take no longer then 2 – 2 1/4 hours and 18 holes no longer than 4 – 4 1/2 hours.
Alferini Course
9 holes should take no longer then 2 1/2 hours and 18 holes no longer than 5 hours.
It is a requirement that all groups keep pace with the preceding group, NOT just keep ahead of the group behind!
‘Play-ready golf’ – be prepared to play before it is your turn, walk between shots at a good pace, leave the green once you have finished a hole and mark your card on the next tee.
For players with a seat on their trolley, they must not be seated whilst the trolley is moving.
Unless there is a mitigating circumstance, i.e. a ruling is required (in which case the group behind should be called through), slow play will be monitored and penalised in the usual way. If a group does not finish within 15 minutes of the group in front, a penalty of 2 strokes will be added to all players in the group.
Electronic Measuring Devices
Distance only devices, GPS or rangefinders, are permitted for all players; slope measuring devices must have the slope function turned off.
Trophy/Prize Allocation
7&Under Boys – Top 3
7&Under Girls – Top 3
8-9 Boys – Top 3
8-9 Girls – Top 3
10-11 Boys – Top 3
10-11 Girls – Top 3
12-13 Boys – Top 3
12-13 Girls – Top 3
14-15 Boys – Top 3
14-15 Girls – Top 3
16-18 Boys – Top 3
16-18 Girls – Top 3
In the event of a tie for the top three places, a play-off will decide the outcome.
Flamingos Lowest Total Score Par 3s
Flamingos Lowest Total Score Par 4s
Flamingos Lowest Total Score Par 5s
Alferini Lowest Total Score Par 3s
Alferini Lowest Total Score Par 4s
Alferini Lowest Total Score Par 5s
Photography and Videography
There will be event photographers/videographers at the Daily Mail WJGC. We will also be using a drone to take aerial photographs and videos.
As a standard condition of entry, photos and videos may be used by WJGC Ltd and Junior Golf Tour CIC (BJGT) for all promotional purposes. This includes website, newsletters, newspaper publications and social media.
If you do not wish for photos or videos to be taken or used, please inform us via email at the time of entry.
Photos will be available to view and purchase in digital format after the event for a fee of £5.00.
All spectators must stay off fairways, tees and greens and walk 50 metres in front of the group that they are watching; this way, you won’t be causing a delay to the group behind or be in any danger of being hit.
No signalling where to hit the ball is allowed. No approaching the ball after it has been hit. The player is allowed 3 minutes to look for his/her ball; however, spectators can help once the player is within range.
Spectators, under no circumstances, are allowed to approach the ball and pick it up to identify the ball, this is for the player to do.
Spectators must walk 50 metres ahead of the group.
Code of Conduct
WJGC Ltd and Junior Golf Tour CIC (BJGT) run high quality, professional, and fun competitions for all junior players.
Players and parents must abide by the Rules of Golf and maintain good golfing etiquette both on and off the course.
Unsportsman-like conduct, including abusive language, club throwing, disrespect to volunteers, officials or fellow competitors.
Deliberate miss-counting of shots.
Any abusive behaviour to any other persons and property at the Golf Club.
Any breach of these rules may cause a ban from attending future WJGC and Junior Golf Tour CIC (BJGT) events, and persons guilty of improper conduct at any competition will be asked to leave.
In the event of any unresolved issues, parents should speak, in private, to the WJGC Directors at an agreed time, and not in front of children.
WJGC officials’ decisions are final.
Accident and Injuries
Competitors play at their own risk. Spectators and caddies also walk the course at their own risk.
WJGC Ltd and Junior Golf Tour CIC (BJGT) take no responsibility for any accidents or injuries that happen at any of their events.
We do recommend that all players have golf insurance, covering personal and third parties.
Tournament Withdrawals
To withdraw from this event, please email
Cancellation Policy
Tournament entry fee cancellation:
Non-refundable if cancelled by the player
90% refundable if cancelled by the WJGC Ltd
We strongly recommend that all players purchase golf and/or travel insurance to cover entry fees, accommodation and travel.